It seems strange to us that this isn’t more widely spoken about but, looking after your employee’s eyecare is a duty that is widely forgotten by employers. Whilst it has been an individual issue for many years, the work that the majority of your employees takes up is at screens or on the road. As a result, your duty of care extends to health issues as well.
Think about it this way, your employees get health and safety assessed regularly. Are their chairs suitable for the job? Do they require a standing desk? Are they time-limited at a screen? If an employer can go to all of these measures to look after their employees, then why isn’t eye care part of the equation?
Today, employees spend long periods in front of a VDU. Without the appropriate eyewear, this can lead to a wide range of health issues. These include things like headaches, fatigue and irritability. As a result, over time this can also lead to an increase in absenteeism and reduced productivity. Throw into the mix mistakes caused by data inputting incorrectly or not being able to read what is on the screen – it becomes a wider business issue.
In line with the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992, it is incumbent upon any employer to ensure all employees who use a VDU for more than one hour each day receive “an appropriate eye and sight test before commencing work at a VDU and thereafter at regular intervals”.
Our corporate eye tests are there to make sure your business is operating within the health and safety guidelines.
At Jonathon Bryan opticians we offer a corporate package for clients in Chester and surrounding areas to make sure you have everything you need to protect your employee health and wellbeing.
We are committed to providing you with the very highest standards of corporate eyecare. Meet us for a conversation or give us a call and we’ll discuss details on how we can help provide you with the best care and advise on the Health & Safety Regulations.
Our Corporate Eye Care service includes the following: